UJ Series Connectors

UJ Series Connectors

Introducing the Power Joint System

Offers the possibility to connect medium and high power cables without the need for bulky junction boxes. The UJ Power Joint System offers the same environmental protection with substantial size and weight savings.


Railway Applications > Section D

Connectrors and Cables Assembly Procedure

Connectrors and Cables Assembly Procedure

UJ Series is a "Joint" connector: 2 - 3 minutes for mating and unmating, but is really reliable and efficient for Power Applications in harsh conditions.
Details Drawings and Dimensions

Details Drawings and Dimensions

  • Clamp Details
  • UJ1 and UJ2 Supports: 2-Way and 3-Way
  • Dimension Table
Assembly Drawings and Dimensions

Assembly Drawings and Dimensions

Crimping Instructions and Tools

Crimping Instructions and Tools