From Outer Space to Inner Space: The Mil-Aero Pedigree of Glenair Underwater Connectors

Glenair QwikConnect MagazineJuly 2024Volume 28Number 3

This special issue of QwikConnect zeroes in on an interesting fact — that interconnect technology originally developed for outer space can be directly applied to inner space with great benefit to the user. The flow of ideas and processes from one application area to another is a common occurrence at Glenair. We have found the practice is a major contributor to new product development, adding speed and velocity to the creative process.

Glenair Underwater Connectors

From Outer Space to Inner Space: The Mil-Aero Pedigree of Glenair Underwater Connectors

Glenair QwikConnect MagazineJuly 2024Volume 28Number 3