Series 80 Mighty Mouse Accessories, Backshells, and Tools

Series 80 Mighty Mouse Accessories, Backshells, and Tools

Glenair Shrink Boots, Backshell Adapters, Tools, and Accessories for Series 80 Mighty Mouse Applications


Accessories, Backshells, and Tools on this page...

Flange Gaskets

Die-cut flange gaskets provide panel sealing for flange mount receptacles. Available in fluorosilicone, Viton®, and conductive fluorosilicone.

Flange Gaskets for Series 800, 801, 802, 803, and 805 Mighty Mouse Flange Receptacles 809-108

Flange Gaskets for Series 800, 801, 802, 803, and 805 Mighty Mouse Flange Receptacles

  • Flange Gaskets for Series 800 Mighty Mouse Square Flange Receptacles
    These flange gaskets provide sealing between square flange receptacles and the mounting panel. Choose fluorosilicone, Viton®, or conductive fluorosilicone material (Chomerics 1298 silver-filled). Gaskets are .032" (0.8) thick.
  • Flange Gaskets for Series 801 Mighty Mouse Square Flange Receptacles
    These flange gaskets provide sealing between square flange receptacles and the mounting panel. Choose fluorosilicone, Viton®, or conductive fluorosilicone material (Chomerics 1298 silver-filled). Gaskets are .032" (0.8) thick.
  • Flange Gaskets for Series 802 Mighty Mouse Square Flange Receptacles
    These flange gaskets provide sealing between square flange receptacles and the mounting panel. Choose fluorosilicone, Viton®, or neoprene material. Gaskets are .032" (0.8) thick.
  • Flange Gaskets for Series 803 Mighty Mouse Receptacles
    These flange gaskets provide sealing between elliptical flange receptacles and the mounting panel. Choose fluorosilicone, Viton®, or conductive fluorosilicone material (Chomerics 1298 silver-filled). Gaskets are .032" (0.8) thick.
  • Flange Gaskets for Series 805 Mighty Mouse Square Flange Receptacles
    These flange gaskets provide sealing between square flange receptacles and the mounting panel. Choose fluorosilicone, Viton®, or conductive fluorosilicone material (Chomerics 1298 silver-filled). Gaskets are .032" (0.8) thick.


Replace lost or damaged O-rings. Available in fluorosilicone, EPDM, and conductive fluorosilicone, these O-rings fit Mighty Mouse jam nut receptacles.

Series 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, and 805 O-Rings

Series 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, and 805 O-Rings

  • Series 800 and 801 O-Rings for Mighty Mouse Jam Nut Receptacles
    Replace lost or damaged O-rings with standard fluorosilicone O-rings. Or, choose EPDM O-rings for improved resistance to hydraulic fluids. Upgrade to silver-filled conductive O-rings for improved EMI protection.
  • 802 Replacement Flange O-Rings for Jam-Nut and Square Flange Receptacles
    These Viton® O-rings fit Series 802 "AquaMouse" rear panel mount jam nut connector flanges.
  • 803 Replacement O-Rings for Mighty Mouse Jam-Nut Receptacles
    Replace lost or damaged O-rings with standard fluorosilicone O-rings. Or, choose EPDM O-rings for improved resistance to hydraulic fluids.
  • 804 O-Rings for Mighty Mouse Jam-Nut Receptacles
    Replace lost or damaged O-rings with standard fluorosilicone O-rings. Or, choose EPDM O-rings for improved resistance to hydraulic fluids. Upgrade to silver-filled conductive O-rings for improved EMI protection.
  • O-Ring for Series 805 Rear Panel Mount, Jam-Nut Receptacles
    Replace lost or damaged O-rings with standard fluorosilicone O-rings. Or, choose EPDM O-rings for improved resistance to hydraulic fluids. Upgrade to silver-filled conductive O-rings for improved EMI protection.

Mounting Flange

Replace worn or lost mounting flanges. Offered with standard or metric threads.

Mounting Flange with Standard or Metric Threads for Series 800, 801, 802, and 805 Connectors

Mounting Flange with Standard or Metric Threads for Series 800, 801, 802, and 805 Connectors

  • 809-199 = Mounting Flange with standard threads
  • 809-303 = Mounting Flange with metric threads

Jam Nuts, Hex Nuts and Spanner Wrench Sockets

Mighty Mouse jam-nut receptacles are supplied with low-profile spanner nuts. Jam-nuts require the use of a spanner wrench socket to be tightened. Optional hex nuts are available with safety wire holes.

Jam Nuts, Hex Nuts and Spanner Wrench Sockets

Jam Nuts, Hex Nuts and Spanner Wrench Sockets

  • Standard Series 80 Low Profile Jam-Nut
    For replacement of lost or damaged standard low profile jam-nuts. Will fit Series 800, 801, 804, and 805 jam-nut receptacles. Use with Glenair spanner tool 600-146. See spanner wrench sockets for each series to get appropriate torque values.
  • 600-146 Spanner Wrench Socket for Series 800, 801, and 804 (Shell Style 07) Jam-Nuts
    For use with Series 800, 801, 804 (shell style -00). 3/8" square drive for use with torque wrench. Heat-treated steel, nickel plated.
  • 600-147 Spanner Wrench Socket for Series 804 Low Profile Jam-Nuts
    For use with Series 804 front panel mount. 3/8" square drive for use with torque wrench. Heat-treated steel, nickel plated.
  • 600-154 Spanner Wrench Socket for Series 805 Low Profile Jam-Nuts
    Use these tools to tighten Series 805 jam-nuts. 3/8" square drive for use with torque wrenches. Heat-treated steel, nickel plated.
  • Extended Length Spanner Wrench Socket for Series 80 Low Profile Jam-Nuts for Extended Length Jam-Nut Connectors with Size #8 Contact Arrangements
    Extended length spanner wrench sockets are used to tighten jam-nuts for Series 801 and 805 connectors with size #8 contacts requiring a longer shell. For use 3/8" square drive. Nickel-plated heat-treated steel.
  • Series 803 Low Profile Jam-Nut
    For replacement of lost or damaged standard low profile jam-nuts. Will fit Series 803 jam-nut receptacles. Use with Glenair spanner tool 600-146. See spanner wrench socket for series to get appropriate torque values.
  • Spanner Wrench Socket for Series 803 Low Profile Jam-Nuts
    Use these tools to tighten Series 803 jam-nuts. 1/4" or 3/8" square drive for use with torque wrenches. Heat-treated steel, nickel plated.

Series 800 thru 805 Shorting Caps and Backshells

Backshells feature rotatable or direct coupling saddle clamps to provide strain relief for wire bundles. Upgrade to environmental and EMI protection. Shorting Caps, band and shrink boot adapters also available.

Shorting Cap, 340MS026

Shorting Cap
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

Shorting Cap Applications
These caps are used to cover up exposed wires on the back of a shorting connector. Shorting connectors are used to protect critical circuits from static discharge. Plugs can also re-route circuits in switching applications. Or, resistors and active electronics can be installed. Whatever the application, a shorting cap is a simple way to cover up the back end of the connector.

  • Shorting Cap with Lanyard Attachment
  • Direct Coupling Shorting Cap with Lanyard Attachment
Extended Length Shorting Cap with Rotatable Coupling, 340MS001

Extended Length Shorting Cap with Rotatable Coupling
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

Extended Length Shorting Cap Applications

Shorting caps are used to cover up exposed wires on the back of a shorting connector. Shorting connectors are used to protect critical circuits from static discharge.

Extended length shorting caps also provide the same protection but accommodate the need for additional resistors and active electronics when needed.

Rotatable nut coupling makes for easy installation while mechanical detent aids the coupling nut in maintaining clamp force under shock and vibration to prevent backoff.

EMI Backshell with Rotatable Coupling Nut, 380MS137

EMI Backshell with Rotatable Coupling Nut
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, and 805

380-137 backshells feature rotatable coupling nut for improved cable routing management. Straight, 45°, and 90° degree entry. EMI ring for easy termination of cable shield and 360° EMI protection while saddle clamps remove strain and stress from contact wire termination.

Aqua Mouse Banding Adapter, 809-141

Aqua Mouse Banding Adapter
Series 802

These adapters are for use with Band-Master™ ATS micro bands to provide shield termination of cable shield for EMI/RFI protection. Choose the smallest cable entry available for your wire bundle size.

Direct Coupling, Shield Termination Adapter, 440MS134

Direct Coupling, Shield Termination Adapter
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

These adapters are for use with Band-Master™ ATS Micro Band shield termination straps. Choose the smallest cable entry for your wire bundle.

Rotatable Coupling, Shield Termination, Shrink Boot Adapter, 440MS135

Rotatable Coupling, Shield Termination, Shrink Boot Adapter
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

These thread-on adapters are used with Band-Master™ ATS Micro Band shield termination straps. Choose the smallest cable entry for your wire bundle. Straight Entry adapters are available in various lengths. Straight, 45°, and 90° adapters feature rotatable coupling nuts.

Direct Coupling, Non-Environmental Saddle Clamp, 620MS064

Direct Coupling, Non-Environmental Saddle Clamp
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

Non-environmental clamps provide strain relief for open wire bundles. Add tubing or tape to build up smaller diameter wires to fit the clamps.

Direct coupling clamps provide a low profile solution where space is a concern and are available for Series 800, 801, 803, 804, and 805 Mighty Mouse connectors.

Direct Coupling, Environmental Saddle Clamp Backshell, 370MS037

Direct Coupling, Environmental Saddle Clamp Backshell
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

Straight entry, direct coupling environmental backshell features silicone O-rings for a watertight seal. Thread-on saddle bar clamp for strain relief of wire bundles or compression nut for environmental sealing of jacketed cables.

Rotatable Coupling, Non-Environmental Saddle Clamp, 620MS065

Rotatable Coupling, Non-Environmental Saddle Clamp
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

Non-environmental saddle clamp backshells provide strain relief for open wire bundles. Add tubing or tape to build up smaller diameter wires to fit the clamps.

Rotatable coupling clamps offer greater flexibility and routing options and are available for Series 800, 801, 803, 804, and 805 Mighty Mouse connectors

Rotatable Coupling, Environmental Saddle Clamp Backshell, 370MS038

Rotatable Coupling, Environmental Saddle Clamp Backshell
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

Rotatable coupling environmental backshell features silicone o-rings for a watertight seal. Thread-on saddle bar clamp for strain relief of wire bundles or compression nut for sealing of jacketed cables. Backshell is available in straight, 45° and 90° angles and features a rotatable coupling for greater control over cable routing.

Direct Coupling, Saddle Clamp with EMI Ring, Non-Environmental, 380MS135

Direct Coupling, Saddle Clamp with EMI Ring, Non-Environmental
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

Straight EMI adapter with direct coupling cable clamp or compression nut for Series 800, 801, 803, 804, and 805 connectors. Adapters feature an EMI ring for easy termination of cable shield.

Rotatable Coupling with EMI Ring, Non-Environmental, 380MS141

Rotatable Coupling with EMI Ring, Non-Environmental
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

The Series 80 Mighty Mouse, non-environmental backshell features a rotatable coupling nut and utilizes an EMI ring for easy shield termination. Secondary shell and integral clamp threads on over EMI ring and compresses ring to secure cable shield while providing robust cable strain-relief and protecting cable shield termination. Clamp design minimizes protrusions and reduces snagging hazards. For use with Series 800, 801, 803, 804, and 805 connectors.

Rotatable Coupling, Non-Environmental, Shield Termination, 447MS981

Rotatable Coupling, Non-Environmental, Shield Termination
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

Series 80 Mighty Mouse, Band-In-A-Can backshell utilizes a secondary adapter that covers the banding area, along with providing options for strain relief. This backshell combines the efficiency and convenience of band style shield termination with a protective backshell which protects the shield termination area from damage due to rough handling and provides for robust cable strain-relief. Recommended for use in severe application environments where banding is the preferred shield termination technology. For Series 800, 801, 803, 804, and 805 Mighty Mouse connectors.

Direct Coupling, with EMI Ring, Environmental, 390MS076

Direct Coupling, with EMI Ring, Environmental
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

Direct coupling environmental backshell feature an EMI ring for easy cable shield termination. Coupling nut and compression nut O-rings for watertight seals or thread-on saddle bar option for strain-relief support of wire bundles.

Rotatable Coupling, with EMI Ring, Environmental, 390MS077

Rotatable Coupling, with EMI Ring, Environmental
Series 800, 801, 803, 804, 805

Rotatable coupling environmental backshells feature an EMI ring for easy cable shield termination. Coupling nut and compression nut O-rings for watertight seals or thread-on saddle bar option for strain-relief of wire bundles.

Heat-Shrink Boots

These boots provide strain relief, environmental protection and fit all Series 80 connectors. Straight, 90°, 45°, Long Tail, and USB versions.

Series 80 Connector Shrink Boots - Straight, Long Tail, 90°, and 45° angle Plus Boots for USB cables

Series 80 Connector Shrink Boots
Straight, Long Tail, 90°, and 45° angle Plus Boots for USB cables

Protect Your Cable Harness with heat-shrinkable boots. These easy-to-use boots provide excellent electrical, mechanical and environmental protection. Heating the boot causes the boot to shrink onto the connector and cable . An adhesive lining bonds the boot to the connector and cable and fills small gaps for a complete seal. Choose straight cable exit or right angle exit. These lipped boots attach directly to Series 80 Mighty Mouse HD connectors with integral band platform. After shrinking, the boot lip locks into groove. Choose Type 1 high performance elastomer for extreme temperatures and excellent resistance to fuels and oils or Type 2 non-halogenated flame-retardant polyolefin for use where limited fire hazard is required.

  • Lipped straight Shrink Boots-Type 1 Flame Retardant Elastomer
  • Lipped Straight Shrink Boots- Type 2 Zero Halogen
  • Lipped 90° Right Angle Shrink Boots- Type 1 High Performance Elastomer
  • Lipped 90° Right Angle Shrink Boots- Type 2 Zero Halogen
  • Lipped 45° Angle Shrink Boots- Type 1 High Performance Elastomer
  • Lipped 45° Angle Shrink Boots- Type 2 Zero Halogen
  • Lipped straight Long Tail Shrink Boots- Type I High Performance Elastomer
  • Lipped Straight Long Tail Shrink Boots- Type 2 Zero Halogen
  • Lipped Straight USB Shrink Boots- Type 9 Low-Temp Flexible Polyolefin

Connector Holding Tools and Band-Master ATS Banding Tool

Connector holding tools for tightening backshells and Band-Master ATS shield termination systems.

Connector Holding Tools

Connector Holding Tools

Connector Holding Tool for Tightening Backshells and Accessories

Band-Master ATS® Shield Termination Tool Bands and Instructions

Band-Master ATS® Shield Termination Tool Bands and Instructions

Fast, cost-effective shield termination. Attach cable shields to Series 80 connectors or backshells with Band‑Master® stainless steel straps. The Band‑Master® system offers fast termination and the flexibility to handle a wide range of parts with just one band size. Approved for aerospace and defense, these straps have successfully passed rigorous shock, vibration and environmental testing.

Series 800 thru 805 Protective Covers

Thread-on or frictions fit covers provide a watertight seal and prevent damage. Select nylon cord or wire rope lanyards with a range of ring terminal diameters to fit just about any need.

Metal Protective Covers and Lanyard, 667-185

Metal Protective Covers and Lanyard
Series 800 Mighty Mouse Plug and Receptacle

Protective covers fit Series 800 plug and receptacle connectors. Aluminum or stainless steel. Fluorosilicone rubber gasket protects connector from contamination and water ingress. Attach to panel or cable with a variety of lanyards and fittings. Lanyard styles include braided nylon rope, stainless steel wire, or sash chain. Stainless steel wire available with flexible, rugged polyurethane coating or Fluoropolymer sleeve for high temperature requirements.

Metal Protective Cover and Lanyard, 667-217, 667-218

667-217, 667-218
Metal Protective Cover and Lanyard
Series 801 Mighty Mouse Plug and Receptacle

  • Protect Connectors From Damage
    Machined aluminum covers have rubber gaskets for a watertight fit.
  • Stainless Steel Fittings and Rings
    Choose small diameter eye fittings for panel attachment. Larger rings fit under the jam nut or over cable jackets. Split rings can be installed on fully assembled cables.
  • Polyurethane-Coated SST Wire Rope
    Offers high strength, excellent abrasion resistance, and good flexibility. Or, choose Fluoropolymer jacket for high temperature exposure.
  • Braided Nylon Rope
    Provides excellent flexibility and good abrasion resistance, and can be ordered with slip knot fittings for easy installation on any size cable.
Rubber Protective Covers and Lanyard, 809-191

Rubber Protective Covers and Lanyard
Series 801 Mighty Mouse Plug and Receptacle

Splashproof Rubber Molded Covers fit all Series 801 plugs and receptacles. Braided black nylon lanyard is available with metal rings, cable tie or slipknot for attachment to panel or to cable. -40° to +120° C operating temperature, fungus resistant per MIL-STD-810G Method 508.6.

Plug and Receptacle Metal Protective Covers, 667-218, 667-347

667-218, 667-347
Plug and Receptacle Metal Protective Covers
Series 811 Mighty Mouse High Density (HD)

  • Protect Connectors From Damage
    Machined aluminum covers have rubber gaskets for a watertight fit.
  • Stainless Steel Fittings and Rings
    Choose small diameter eye fittings for panel attachment. Larger rings fit under the jam nut or over cable jackets. Split rings can be installed on fully assembled cables.
  • Polyurethane-Coated SST Wire Rope
    Offers high strength, excellent abrasion resistance, and good flexibility. Or, choose Fluoropolymer® jacket for high temperature exposure.
  • Braided Nylon Rope
    Provides excellent flexibility and good abrasion resistance, and can be ordered with slip knot fittings for easy installation on any size cable.
Submersible IP68 Metal Protective Cover, 660-088

Submersible IP68 Metal Protective Cover
Series 802 AquaMouse™

  • Protect Connectors From Damage
    These covers prevent ingress of water and contamination. Stainless steel plug covers feature Viton® O-rings for IP68 sealing (one meter for one hour). Receptacle covers have a Viton® gasket and are made from marine bronze to minimize galling. Cover is designed for low PSI connector protection. For 3500 PSI protection, use part numbers 667-241 and 667-242.
  • Three Types of Attachment Rings
    Choose small diameter eye fittings for panel attachment. Larger rings fit under the jam nut or over cable jackets. Split rings can be installed on fully assembled cables.
  • Polyurethane-Coated SST Wire Rope
    Offers high strength, excellent abrasion resistance and good flexibility. Or, choose Fluoropolymer jacket for high temperature exposure.
  • Braided Nylon Rope
    Provides excellent flexibility and good abrasion resistance, and can be ordered with slip knot fittings for easy installation on any size cable.
667-242 Receptacle Cover and 667-241 Plug Cover, Plug and Receptacle Submersible, 3500 PSI Metal Protective Cover

667-242 Receptacle Cover and 667-241 Plug Cover
Plug and Receptacle Submersible, 3500 PSI Metal Protective Cover
Series 802 AquaMouse™

  • Protect Connectors From Damage
    These covers prevent ingress of water and contamination. Stainless steel plug covers feature Viton® O-rings for 3500 PSI sealing. Receptacle covers are made from marine bronze to minimize galling. For low-pressure IP68 receptacle sealing only, use part number 660-088.
  • Polyurethane-Coated SST Wire Rope
    Offers high strength, excellent abrasion resistance and good flexibility. Or, choose Fluoropolymer jacket for high temperature exposure.
  • Braided Nylon Rope
    Provides excellent flexibility and good abrasion resistance, and can be ordered with slip knot fittings for easy installation on any size cable.
Plug and Receptacle ¼ Turn Bayonet Metal Protective Cover, 660-082

Plug and Receptacle ¼ Turn Bayonet Metal Protective Cover
Series 803 Mighty Mouse

  • Protect Connectors From Damage
    Machined aluminum covers prevent ingress of contamination and water.
  • Stainless Steel Fittings and Rings
    Choose small diameter eye fittings for panel attachment. Larger rings fit under the jam nut or over cable jackets. Split rings can be installed on fully assembled cables.
  • Polyurethane-Coated SST Wire Rope
    Offers high strength, excellent abrasion resistance and good flexibility or choose Fluoropolymer jacket for high temperature exposure.
  • Braided Nylon Rope
    Provides excellent flexibility and good abrasion resistance, and can be ordered with slip knot fittings for easy installation on any size cable.
Metal Protective, Receptacle Cover, 667-202

Metal Protective, Receptacle Cover
Series 804 Push-Pull Mighty Mouse

  • Protect Connectors From Damage
    Machined aluminum covers prevent ingress of contamination and water.
  • Stainless Steel Fittings and Rings
    Choose small diameter eye fittings for panel attachment. Larger rings fit under the jam nut or over cable jackets. Split rings can be installed on fully assembled cables.
  • Polyurethane-Coated SST Wire Rope
    Offers high strength, excellent abrasion resistance and good flexibility. Or, choose Fluoropolymer jacket for high temperature exposure.
  • Braided Nylon Rope
    Provides excellent flexibility and good abrasion resistance, and can be ordered with slip knot fittings for easy installation on any size cable.
Metal Protective, Plug Cover, 809-198

Metal Protective, Plug Cover
Series 804 Push-Pull Mighty Mouse

  • Protect Connectors From Damage
    Machined aluminum covers prevent ingress of contamination and water.
  • Stainless Steel Fittings and Rings
    Choose small diameter eye fittings for panel attachment. Larger rings fit under the jam nut or over cable jackets. Split rings can be installed on fully assembled cables.
  • Polyurethane-Coated SST Wire
    Rope offers high strength, excellent abrasion resistance and good flexibility. Or, choose Fluoropolymer jacket for high temperature exposure.
  • Braided Nylon Rope
    Provides excellent flexibility and good abrasion resistance, and can be ordered with slip knot fittings for easy installation on any size cable.
809-083 Plug Cover and 809-087 Receptacle Cover

809-083 Plug Cover
809-087 Receptacle Cover
Push-Pull, Rubber Protectective Covers
Series 804 Mighty Mouse Plug and Receptacle

  • Splash proof Molded Rubber Covers
    Fits all Series 804 plugs and receptacles. Braided black nylon lanyard is available with metal rings, cable tie, or slipknot for attachment to panel or to cable.
Triple-Start Metal Protective Covers, 667-261 and 667-262

667-261 and 667-262
Triple-Start Metal Protective Covers
Series 805 Mighty Mouse Plug or Receptacle

  • Protect Connectors From Damage
    Machined aluminum or stainless steel protective covers have fluorosilicone gasket for a watertight fit.
  • Stainless Steel Fittings and Rings
    Choose small diameter eye fittings for panel attachment. Larger rings fit under the jam nut or over cable jackets. Split rings can be installed on fully assembled cables.
  • Polyurethane-Coated SST Wire Rope
    Provide resistance and good flexibility. Or, choose a Fluoropolymer jacket for high temperature exposure.
  • Braided Nylon Rope
    Provides excellent flexibility and good abrasion resistance, and can be ordered with slip knot fittings for easy installation on any size cable.
Ratchet Type Receptacle Cover, 809-200

Ratchet Type Receptacle Cover
Series 805 Mighty Mouse Triple-Start Locking

  • Protect Connectors From Damage
    Machined aluminum or stainless steel protective covers have fluorosilicone gasket for a watertight fit.
  • Stainless Steel Fittings and Rings
    Choose small diameter eye fittings for panel attachment. Larger rings fit under the jam nut or over cable jackets. Split rings can be installed on fully assembled cables.
  • Polyurethane-Coated SST Wire Rope
    Provide resistance and good flexibility. Or, choose a Fluoropolymer jacket for high temperature exposure.
  • Braided Nylon Rope
    Provides excellent flexibility and good abrasion resistance, and can be ordered with slip knot fittings for easy installation on any size cable.

Series 800, 801, 804, and 805 Pro-Seal Protective Covers

Lightweight thread-on or pressureseal covers provide environmental seal and immersion resistance.

Pressure Seal, Dust and Immersion Resistant, ProSeal™ Covers, 667-497

Pressure Seal, Dust and Immersion Resistant, ProSeal™ Covers
Series 801 Mighty Mouse

  • Pressure seal, dust and immersion resistant
  • Self-aligning
  • Positive spring-action in closed position. Locks open at approximately 120° from receptacle face.
Threaded Closure, Full Envrionmental, ProSeal™ Covers, 667-509

Threaded Closure, Full Envrionmental, ProSeal™ Covers
Series 801 Mighty Mouse

  • Threaded closure
  • Full environmental protection
  • Self-aligning
  • Positive spring-action in closed position. Locks open at approximately 120° from receptacle face.
Jam-Nut Receptacle Push-Pull, Spring-Loaded ProSeal™ Cover, 667-282

Jam-Nut Receptacle Push-Pull, Spring-Loaded ProSeal™ Cover
Series 804 Mighty Mouse

"Flop lid" snaps shut when cable is disconnected. Silicone gasket provides watertight seal when closed. Fits standard Series 804 rear-mount jam nut receptacles. For .057/.067 inch (1.45/1.70 mm) panel thickness. Aluminum alloy or stainless steel.

Jam-Nut Pressure Seal, Dust and Immersion Resistant ProSeal™ Cover, 667-387

Jam-Nut Pressure Seal, Dust and Immersion Resistant ProSeal™ Cover
Series 804 Mighty Mouse

  • Pressure seal, dust and immersion resistant
  • Self-aligning
  • Positive spring-action in closed position. Opens to 88°, non-locking.
Spring Loaded, ProSeal™ Low Profile Spring Action Cover for Jam Nut Connectors, 667-392

Spring Loaded, ProSeal™ Low Profile Spring Action Cover for Jam Nut Connectors
Series 804 Mighty Mouse

  • Pressure seal, dust and immersion resistant
  • Self-aligning
  • Positive spring-action in closed position. Opens to 90°, non-locking.
Pressure Seal, Dust and Immersion Resistant ProSeal™ Covers, 667-424

Pressure Seal, Dust and Immersion Resistant ProSeal™ Covers
Series 805 Mighty Mouse

  • Pressure seal, dust and immersion resistant
  • Self-aligning
  • Positive spring-action in closed position. Locks open at approximately 105° from receptacle face.
Threaded Closure, Full Envrionmental, ProSeal™ Spring Action Covers, 667-462

Threaded Closure, Full Envrionmental, ProSeal™ Spring Action Covers
Series 805 Mighty Mouse

  • Threaded closure
  • Full environmental protection
  • Self-aligning
  • Positive spring-action in closed position. Locks open at approximately 105° from receptacle face.

Series 800 Dummy Storage Receptacles

Provide a safe and secure location for cable plugs that are disconnected due to maintenance or repair.

Dummy Stowage Receptacle, 809-173

Dummy Stowage Receptacle
Series 800 Mighty Mouse

These flange mount style Series 800 dummy stowage receptacles provide a safe and convenient place to store and protect cabled connectors when not in use due to routine maintenance or during repair of plug cables.

Dummy Stowage Receptacle, 657-072

Dummy Stowage Receptacle
Series 801 Mighty Mouse

These flange mount style Series 801 dummy stowage receptacles provide a safe and convenient place to store and protect cabled connectors when not in use due to routine maintenance or during repair of plug cables.

Dummy Stowage Receptacle, 809-092

Dummy Stowage Receptacle
Series 803 Mighty Mouse

These Series 803 bayonet dummy stowage receptacle for shell size 5 thru 15, provide a safe a convenient place to store and protect cabled connectors when not in use due to routine maintenance or repair of plug cables.

Rear Panel Mount Dummy Stowage Receptacle, 650-061

Rear Panel Mount Dummy Stowage Receptacle
Series 804 Mighty Mouse

Series 804 rear panel mounted dummy stowage receptacles provide a safe a convenient place to store and protect cabled connectors when not in use due to routine maintenance or repair of plug cables.

Front or Rear Jam-Nut and Flange Mount Dummy Stowage Plug, 809-213

Front or Rear Jam-Nut and Flange Mount Dummy Stowage Plug
Series 804 Mighty Mouse

Dummy stowage receptacles provide a safe a convenient place to store and protect cabled connectors when not in use due to routine maintenance or repair of plug cables. for use with 804 style plug connectors.

Dummy Stowage Receptacle, 657-079

Dummy Stowage Receptacle
Series 805 Connectors

These Series 805 dummy stowage receptacles universal polarity provide a safe a convenient place to store and protect cabled connectors when not in use due to routine maintenance or repair of plug cables.